NARI Certifications

Vegan Certified Skincare

We never use any animal products, by-products or GMOs in our methods, and ingredients. Our vegan skincare products contain safe, active ingredients to repair, rejuvenate and hydrate the skin below its surface, which is more beneficial to the skin when applied daily and over time. 

NARI prides itself on offering a premium anti-aging certified vegan skincare range – which can be an alternative to regular products with irritating ingredients.

Cruelty-free Certified Skincare

In the animal rights movement, cruelty-free is a label for products or activities that do not harm and kill animals anywhere in the world. Products tested on animals are not considered cruelty-free since these tests are often painful and cause suffering and death to millions of animals every year.

NARI Skincare is dedicated to ensuring our products are never tested on animals.

Halal Certified Skincare

What is Halal Certified Skincare?

As the US's first halal-certified skincare  - let us explain what is this new take on skincare. Halal is a framework of dietary guidelines in Islamic law. It encompasses much more than just avoiding alcohol and certain animal by-products (pork and alcohol in particular). In Islamic Principles, halal covers the entire process not only of food, yet other forms of products consumed via the skin ie. cosmetics, and personal care products' preparation from start to finish.

At NARI, we aim to educate consumers about the significance of the Islamic Principles, which calls for a more conscientious and wholesome consumption of products. We also aim to educate the Muslim consumers to be fully aware of the tenets of Tayyib - which advocates the production of pure, wholesome, and ethically sound goods. Certified Halal products should meet the standards of Tayyib (wholesome)  one of the regulations of Islamic Principles when it comes to consumer goods by adequately identifying all ingredients, and avoiding those that are questionable or harmful.

Cosmetic and personal care products are not exempt from the guidelines of Halal and Tayyib practices in Islamic Principles. Unfortunately, most products used around the world by the Muslim community contain alcohol, animal and human by-products like pork derivatives, or other toxic ingredients that are both harmful and prohibited.

NARI Skincare is committed to educating the Muslim consumers around the world to be more aware of ingredients found in their cosmetics and skincare, and demand large brands to adhere to the religious, ethical, and moral requirements of Islamic Principles - so we can better nourish our bodies, souls, and the planet.